sunnuntai 21. syyskuuta 2014


Kuvaton tyttö
jolla oli valkoinen varjo
melkein läpinäkyvä
ja hän oli niin pieni
että hänet olisi voinut sulkea lasipurkkiin
pitää siellä, omanaan
katsella ikkunan läpi ja melkein koskettaa
kunhan vain muistat 
iskeä purkin kanteen reikiä
ettei hän lakkaa saamasta henkeä
sillä sinähän vain melkein haluat tappaa hänet

7 kommenttia:

  1. Vastaukset
    1. Bad translation, If I tried to explain it would just seem silly. I am sorry.

    2. The girl with no image
      who had a white shadow
      almost transparent
      and she was so small
      that she could be shut in a can of glass
      keep her there, as your own
      watch through the window and almost touch
      as long as you remember
      to strike holes to the top
      so that she won't be unable to breathe
      'cause you only almost want to kill her

      that's a proper translation, I assume.

  2. Thank you so much. What you wrote is beautiful. It is also very different from what Google translate changed it into. Google made it seem that the person you were writing to is the one you were putting into a jar, and they should remember that you could close off the holes in the jar so they wouldn't be able to breath. The translation made it seem that you almost wanted to kill the person you put in the jar.

    The translation also made it seem that you were asking what is important the Girl or something else. When I wrote the "Girl" i was trying to say that the Girl or Woman is what is important.

    I wish I could understand your language, but I may not be as smart as you are. I will try to understand your poetry as best I can, but for me it is like seeing "through a glass darkly".

    1. Thank you. I'm happy I could help you to understand it better.

  3. voi että, tykkään lukea näitä sun tekstejä aina uudestaan ja uudestaan, tämänkin oon lukenu varmaan jo sataan kertaan.. nyt se jotenkin pysäytti ja liikutti ihan eri tavalla kun aikasemmin, niin kaunista tekstiä. tämä on mun mielestä niin täydellinen että melkein itkettää. jos osaisin itekkin kirjottaa noin niin olisin onnellinen <3

    1. äää niin ihana kuulla, että mun tekstit herättää sussa tollasia tunteita <3
